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Raymond Georis

L4WB Fellow

In 1954, Raymond received a Doctorate in Law from the University of Louvain and in 1957 got a diploma in Economic and Political Sciences from the College of Europe in Bruges. In 1962-63, he spent a year in Paris to study Economics and Educational Planning.

In 1958-60, he was appointed Administrator at Western European Union in London and was transferred from 1960-1962 to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. From 1963-1966, Raymond was Professor in Planning and Financing of Education at the UNESCO Asian Institute of Educational Planning and Administration at New-Delhi. In 1967, he was recruited by the European Cultural Foundation in Amsterdam to manage its Plan Europe 2000 and, in 1973, he became Secretary General of the Foundation until his retirement in 1995.

Raymond was the Founding Chairman, in 1989, of the European Foundation Center in Brussels and has since remained involved in the world of Foundations: Director of the Association for Innovative Cooperation in Europe in Brussels from 1995-2001 and of its successor the Network of European Foundations (NEF) from 2002-2004, he was Secretary General of the Madariaga College of Europe Foundation from 2005 until 2007. Raymond Georis served as Chairman to the Board of the Foundation for 14 years and has just recently stepped down from his post.

He is former Chairman of the Foundation’s Board & former Board Member. His commitment to the ideas and purpose of Learning for Well-being together with the relationships he forged, has helped the Foundation become what it is today. He continues to be an avid supporter of our work and will always be an honorary member of our Foundation in light of his invaluable contribution.