Quality of Childhood (QoC)
The Alliance for Childhood, in partnership with the L4WB Foundation, works with Members of the European Parliament to develop the agenda for the QoC Working Goup sessions.
● The sessions are organized six times per year
● The sessions are hosted by MEPs
● The sessions are open for public.
They are announced in the Parliament Building and via a mailing list by the AFC-ENG.
The QoC sessions aim for European societies to place the quality of childhood in the centre of all their activities, while thoroughly assessing the effects of their decisions on children. Click here to see an overview of the sessions already held by the ‘Quality of Childhood’ Working Group.
Post QoC Sessions
Following each QoC session, the L4WB Foundation hosts an informal discussion on the theme with the aim of eliciting action plans among those participating. Send us an email if you wish to participate to these sessions.
Quality of Childhood Books
For more information on the Quality of Childhood books, click here.