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Spring Online Retreat

The vision of the L4WB-F is to promote inclusive and supportive societies where everyone realises their unique potential throughout their life, focusing on supporting environments and processes that allow individuals and groups to develop as competent systems.    This vision starts from within, so in March, the L4WB-F team participated in a three-day online retreat […]

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ACT2gether • What is new in Germany and The Netherlands?

The Netherlands   Act2gether Youth Netherland’s first discussion   On Thursday, the 3rd of March, Act2gether Netherlands will hold its first Act2gether NL Youth Discussion!    The main aim is to have an informative discussion where the possible future A2G NL youth members can learn more about the A2G NL Youth programme and all the opportunities […]

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Our quest to raise awareness around mental health

‘Global Voices’ is a project developed by ACT2gether Youth for young people globally. It aims at allowing people from different backgrounds to share their perspectives and talk about the issues that matter most to them, providing safe spaces to raise their voices and acknowledge that some problems and passions transcend borders. The first Global Voices […]

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Children from Palestine enjoyed our first Art Session of 2022!

The ‘Art Sessions’ were created to allow all ages to come together to do something fun, learn something new, and most importantly, reconnect in times of isolation. In 2021, ACT2gether ran four successful editions from painting like Mondrian to writing poetry.   This year, reality has changed; as some countries have returned  to in-person classes […]

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The Steiner-Waldorf Education Council reflects on Core Capacities

The European Council for Steiner Waldorf education gathered together with their representatives around Europe in an online session to plan for 2022. Delegates shared recent developments in their countries, updated each other on their work in different thematic working groups, and deepened the connection with international partners.   In a working session, Daniel Kropf, Founder […]

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ACT2gether • News from Palestine, Germany and The Netherlands

Palestine ACT2gether Palestine: starting 2022 with enthusiasm    A2G Palestine and its advisory children group started the new year with activism and enthusiasm. Their main hope for 2022 is to have a year full of activities focused on reducing the gaps between generations, raising the voice of children, and involving them in decision-making on topics […]

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ACT2gether • Bolivia has a National Committee of Children!

  After two years of effort, we can celebrate this achievement! Last December, the Plurinational Committee for Children and Adolescents in Bolivia was formed. It is the highest form of representation of children at a national level. Having this means opening spaces for participation and activism for children and adolescents at every level of decision-making […]

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​​Core Capacities, exploring our individual connection to the world

The exploration of core capacities emerged years ago, from the work of Linda O’Toole, senior fellow and researcher from The Learning for Well-being Foundation, with processing patterns and individual differences. The capacities were instruments to explore subtle differences in how people learn and communicate. Still, they also revealed something about people’s unique ways of processing, […]

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Rescuing Assessment from the exam factory

In 2016, the then Director General of Education in the European Commission invited select civil society organisations to provide policymakers with inspiring stories that would illustrate that educational systems in Europe can change for the better.   The Learning for Well-being Foundation partnered with two like-minded organisations, the European Council of Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE) […]