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Maria Paz has been elected to the Child Rights Connect Executive Committee


Maria Paz has been elected to the Child Rights Connect Executive Committee

Representing the L4WB Foundation, our Director of Development and ACT2gether Latin America, Maria Paz was elected to the Child Rights Connect Executive Committee 


In its call for nomination of new candidates to stand for election to the ExCo, the following priorities were identified with a view to achieving a more balanced regional representation within ExCo, as well as a transition in the office of the Treasurer.


Maria was chosen in light of her amazing work in the region and the development of A2G Latin America. Additionally Child Rights Connect is establishing a Network Working Group on Child Participation. The overall objective of this proposed Working Group is to provide strategic advice and support to the CRCnct Network and partners on children and young people’s participation by harnessing the strong, collective, and influential voice of the Network in empowering children to exercise their rights to participate under the UNCRC.


The  Learning for Well-Being Foundation is  sure that Maria will be a wonderful addition to the ExCo of CRCcnt and will be a great asset to CRCcnt, bringing the L4WB approach and our take on participation and intergenerational collaboration to their work.



Congratulations Maria, we are so proud!!

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