Meeting of the A2G-youth experts to plan the 2GETHERLAND-Camp!
Only a few weeks are left until the German 2GETHERLAND camp kicks off from 1st to 6th of May 2022!
Preparations are in full swing. An in-person meeting with the Youth-Expert-Team (YET) was held from the 25th to the 27th of April in Gütersloh, aspiring to finalise the content of the camp workshops and the time-out program. The camp is getting shaped!
The workshops will cover the following topics: A: Needs of children & young people, B: Participation, C: Living together in our diverse world, D: The school of the future. After defining the workshops’ content, the YETs created guidelines and videotaped a little teaser to announce them. Besides, the YETs team has suggested integrating the Ukraine war as a transversal issue in many of the workshops since it is a matter that affects participants emotionally and sometimes personally. In some cases, due to their own migration experience and trauma; in others, because they have integrated Ukrainian refugees into school and daily life.
The team also worked on the Camp Families and figured out that almost every youngster in the YET is motivated and willing to lead a Camp Family together with an adult person; there will be a genuinely intergenerational experience with ACT2gether’s spirit. Last but not least, the team worked to further develop social media activities to raise awareness among other young people on social inequality and promote the 2GETHERLAND-camp.
There is still a lot of work to do. Regardless, thanks to the expertise of the international L4WB- F community, the YET support, and the great team spirit shared in Gütersloh, there is a lot of excitement in building a wonderful camp experience for the participants!
The Netherlands
The process of forming the new A2G Netherlands Youth Team continues
Act2gether Netherlands is finally completing its Youth Team recruiting phase, expecting to find 8 motivated young people between the ages of 16 and 25 willing to join the group.
The first introductory call will take place in April to discuss the goals for ACT2gether Netherlands and start working on a plan for the activities. Afterward, the ACT2gether Youth training will begin with the support of ACT2gether Global Directors from different places worldwide.
Additionally, ACT2gether Netherlands is becoming more active on Instagram! So follow @act2getherNL for updates on their activities and meet the new A2G NL Youth Team members!